a little more fluid

Thursday, March 10, 2005

It's a Wonderful Day in the Neighborhood

My new across the street neighbors have a couple kids. And many more who are often hanging out there. I like this. I like that I live in that kind of neighborhood.

A couple weeks ago I got really sad about moving out of my old apartment, leaving the familiarity, the neighbors who I smiled at, the freeway roar. I was worried that I'd be lonely in my new place.

But then I went to sign my lease and the property manager told me that Lorne street was excited to see me. Somehow a bunch of them already knew who I was and couldn't wait to have me be their neighbor. In the course of my moving in comings and goings - before I was even full time there - I met about ten people. They hang out in their yards. The kids run from house to house. One found a sparkly green dress at a thrift store and gave it to another. I like this. It's what I've wanted.

Then this morning I was leaving for a walk with a friend. And saw this awesome bike on my across the street neighbor's yard. Which I think belongs to their toddler. And it made me like them even more.


  • At 3/12/2005 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    so is THAT your kitchen?? i LOVE it. have to go to brunch. xoxo


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