a little more fluid

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


When I was in Ecuador one of the first new words I learned was "sobrecargada." And I used it often. That's how that trip was for me. I was pretty darn overwhelmed the entire time.

And that's how I'm feeling right now. For the first time in my two years on this program school is really feeling like a chore. I don't want to go to class. I'm not interested in my work. It's hard to motivate myself to get stuff done. And now the semester is drawing to a close (yippeee!) and I have to finish projects, write papers, give presentations. Yuck. Estoy sobrecargada.

Despite all this - I'm pretty happy. My dear friend came to Olympia together, and I skipped work, and we played in the sun. That was good. Also, I got some new windows in the front of my house. This picture is of Jerry, the window guy, who was willing to install a curtain rod since he was here with all his tools and some free time. Thanks, Jerry.

I always think it's funny when people get nervous when they hear what kind of work I do. What are they thinking I'm going to do? Know all their secrets? And hold them accountable? As if I have time and energy to do that with strangers! Jerry and his boss both made funny faces when I told them where I work. Whatever. Then we all laughed about it.


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