a little more fluid

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

A Good Night's Sleep

Today's picture is about two great things that have happened to me in the month of March.

1. See that mirror? That mosiac mirror? I made that. QUITE awhile ago. It was fun to make. Kind of a mess. But fun to make. And I like it. I think it's pretty. A nice piece of art to have in my house. When I made it I was kind of on my way out of the house I was in at the time. So I don't think this great piece of art made it into that house. I just kept it in my car, knowing I'd be leaving soon. Then I moved. And it sat in a corner at that house. Then I moved. And it sat behind a shelf at that apartment. The problem is that this mirror is VERY heavy. And it didn't have any sort of hanging hardware on it. So it sat. Then I moved again. And on my moving in day, Fritz hung the mirror. Thank you Fritz.

2. I have some trouble sleeping. Read the rest of this blog for details. Yesterday Lis gave me a birthday present which she called "a good night's sleep." It included these curtains. And they're great. My room was so dark last night. I guess I'm turning into my mother.


  • At 3/23/2005 9:15 PM, Blogger Jess said…

    I sleep a LOT better when it's really dark. Otherwise I get distracted. Some nights, the night on my cell phone charger is too much for me. When we were kids, my sister and I would have HUGE fights about the nightlight - I wanted it OFF because I couldn't sleep with it. She never wanted to compromise and take turns. At least, that's my story.


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