Feeling bouncy
Last week I read a children's book called something like (A name that starts with C) Goes Out West and (Something about a purple horse). Sorry, I don't remember the title. It started out with the main character, a pig, eating seven flapjacks and some other stuff for breakfast, and then feeling bouncy. My friend, whose daughter I was reading that book to, and I laughed. I have a feeling seven flapjacks would leave me sluggish, or full, or just about anything but bouncy.
So, I just ate about an entire bucket of Ritz.
It's interesting the things we remember. In response to the comments on yesterday's post:
Yeah, those are my favorite Autumn memories, too. Fortune telling, pencils, and marbles. I still have my pencil collection. It's too grand and beautiful to get rid of. Although I think I may have lost track of all the logs and charts and maps that went with it. Like the lists of each pencil's name, and family, and occupation. And where he or she lived in pencil town. And who won which beauty contest. And that same Marble Works set is still at my mom's house. Although, yes, it's sad - it's not the same house with that huge playroom and backyard where we used to play. As for the matches... I'm guessing my mom never knew. I don't think she would have liked it if she did.
For all of you who were holding your breath, wondering if I'd get that paper written, wondering if I'd survive in one piece... it looks like I will. First draft is all done. Huge pat on the back for me.
So, I just ate about an entire bucket of Ritz.
It's interesting the things we remember. In response to the comments on yesterday's post:
Yeah, those are my favorite Autumn memories, too. Fortune telling, pencils, and marbles. I still have my pencil collection. It's too grand and beautiful to get rid of. Although I think I may have lost track of all the logs and charts and maps that went with it. Like the lists of each pencil's name, and family, and occupation. And where he or she lived in pencil town. And who won which beauty contest. And that same Marble Works set is still at my mom's house. Although, yes, it's sad - it's not the same house with that huge playroom and backyard where we used to play. As for the matches... I'm guessing my mom never knew. I don't think she would have liked it if she did.
For all of you who were holding your breath, wondering if I'd get that paper written, wondering if I'd survive in one piece... it looks like I will. First draft is all done. Huge pat on the back for me.
At 4/05/2005 3:26 PM,
Autumn Hoverter, MS, RD said…
Unfortunately, I think my pencil collection got lost or displaced with all the moving I did after my parents split up. I should have left it in your keeping:) I do remember the Diamond family (I think that was the name) and how it was my favorite because they were so sparkly. Amazing what we came up with. Glad the paper is getting finished- if only I could say the same thing about my laundry!
At 4/05/2005 4:14 PM,
toni said…
Yeah, your sparkly family was the Diamond family, and my sparkly family was the Sparkle family. I think. Does that sound right? So I had, like, Red Sparkle and Blue Sparkle. And your identical pencils were Red Diamond and Blue Diamond. They were kind of the elite Pencil Town citizens, I think.
At 4/05/2005 9:02 PM,
Autumn Hoverter, MS, RD said…
If anyone ever asks how we turned out so anal retentive, just point to the childhood games we used to play and say we didn't have a choice in the matter;) That does sound right about the pencils. We did that with the marbles as well- our favorite was the yellow marble and then the green marble- which ever one was winning the most races. We weren't well versed in probability theory then.
At 4/05/2005 10:11 PM,
toni said…
No kidding. No kidding. Our personalities, neuroses and all, were certainly apparent in our early play. OH! I just remembered another really cool thing we did. Remember drawing house plans? That was later. Like when your dad lived in the apartments near my house. We spent HOURS with rulers designing our dream homes. Whole floors of playrooms.
Yes, I remember yellow and green being the "good" marbles. Three were yours and three were mine. I mean, they were ALL mine because they were my toys at my house. But three were your team and three were my team. I can't remember which was which. There was blue, green, black (were they a team?)(I think so, they were maybe yours) and then yellow, red, white. (Is that right?) The funniest part about the marble races is that we didn't stop playing that game when you moved to Michigan. We still played. ON THE PHONE!
At 4/06/2005 9:40 AM,
Jess said…
I totally spent hours with a ruler making house plans, too. Too bad we didn't do it together, since we didn't know each other then.
At 4/06/2005 12:34 PM,
Autumn Hoverter, MS, RD said…
I remember the house plans as well. I still design my dream home but it's all in my head. We would have made excellent architects except for putting the pools on the 12th floor!!
I don't remember us haveing individual teams in the marble races, I just remember us both wanting certain marbles to win. I don't really remember us competing against each other in any way, just competing against random things we couldn't control, like marbles going down a shoot. Ahhh, those were the days! OK, now I want to play with marble works!!!
At 4/06/2005 9:14 PM,
toni said…
Wow. I wonder how common that is. I mean, how many kids spent time doing that? And what did they end up like? Like us? And... WHAT ARE WE LIKE?
I know, I remember that we put the swimming pools on the 12th floors. And stuff like that.
Yeah, I don't think the marble races were ever a competition between you (Autumn) and me. But I do think we each had our own teams, or our own favorites, or something like that. Or maybe there were just three that we liked (yellow, green, blue?) and three we didn't (black, white, red?). I don't know. There was some division like that.
At 4/15/2005 6:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
To Toni and Autumn,
I just thought you were the most brilliant children.
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