This came in the mail today. Like this. In a plastic bag (see it? under the envelope) which stated the following: DEAR POSTAL CUSTOMER: The enclosed was found loose in the mails or has been damaged in handling in the Postal Service (whichever is applicable to the enclosure.) We realize your mail is important to you and you have every right to expect it to be delivered intact and in good condition. The Postal Service makes every effort to properly handle the mail entrusted to it but due to the large volume, occassional damage may occur. When a Post Office handles in excess of three million pieces of mail daily, it is imperative that mechanical methods be used to maintain production and ensure prompt delivery of the mails. It is also an actuality that modern production methods do not permit personal attention to individual pieces of mail. Damage can occur if mail is insecurely enveloped or bulky contents are enclosed. When this occurs and our machinery is jammed, it often causes damage to other mail that was properly prepared. We are constantly striving to improve our processing methods to assure that an occurance such as the enclosed can be eliminated. We appreciate your concern over the handling of your mail and sincerely regret the inconvenience you have experienced.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
This came in the mail today. Like this. In a plastic bag (see it? under the envelope) which stated the following: DEAR POSTAL CUSTOMER: The enclosed was found loose in the mails or has been damaged in handling in the Postal Service (whichever is applicable to the enclosure.) We realize your mail is important to you and you have every right to expect it to be delivered intact and in good condition. The Postal Service makes every effort to properly handle the mail entrusted to it but due to the large volume, occassional damage may occur. When a Post Office handles in excess of three million pieces of mail daily, it is imperative that mechanical methods be used to maintain production and ensure prompt delivery of the mails. It is also an actuality that modern production methods do not permit personal attention to individual pieces of mail. Damage can occur if mail is insecurely enveloped or bulky contents are enclosed. When this occurs and our machinery is jammed, it often causes damage to other mail that was properly prepared. We are constantly striving to improve our processing methods to assure that an occurance such as the enclosed can be eliminated. We appreciate your concern over the handling of your mail and sincerely regret the inconvenience you have experienced.
At 3/31/2005 12:25 AM, Jess said…
I love the postal service. In a way that I can't even describe, this mixture of deep & abiding love & total fascination & occasional disgust. I can't believe how long their explanation is. It's wonderful. It's a work of art.
At 3/31/2005 4:44 PM, toni said…
how did we end up with each other? i mean, it's odd enough that we're a whole group of no-tv-in-childhood friends. but then we all hae this fascination with the postal service as well? wow.
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