a little more fluid

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

A Tribute to Queen B

Today was my last day working with Bekka. Wow. It's surprising when endings just sneak up on me. Last night I was minding my own business, eating some dinner. And then I realized - tommorow's my last day with Bekka. It's surprising when something is so familiar and then it just ends. We've been working in the same program for over two years, and we've been working pretty much side by side approximately 24 hours a week for over a year. That's at least 10,000 hours. Of close proximity. Yeah, that's a lot. Especially in our kind of working, which includes lots of socializing and sometimes gossiping and really knowning one another. In and out. Backwards and forwards. Good days and bad days.

It's surprising when it ends, and I'm not really sure how to say good bye to it.
Here's my attempt.

Things I'll miss about working with Bekka:
1. The grimace/growl/squint/frown/expression-o-the-day that I get first thing in the morning when I say, "Hey Bekka! How're ya doin'?"
2. Coffee breaks
3. Primetime in the daytime
4. Getting poked (Okay, I might not miss that.)
5. Fashion advice, personal dressing service before a date or other important occassion
6. Someone to bitch to. About anything. Constantly.
7. Trips to Taco Bell
8. A loving ear who doesn't judge even after I've gone back to the same bad relationship 57 times
9. Empathy when my shoulder/neck/back hurts
10. Most of all it's the stuff I was blogging about a couple days ago- continuity of relationships. I'm in this groove of MTuW with Bekka. It's familiar. I like it. I'm really going to miss it.


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