a little more fluid

Saturday, April 30, 2005


I'm watching a movie right now. Jack. It's a little cheesy, and sometimes I don't quite like it, but I want to recommend it. The main character is GREAT. Wonderful. Get it from your local library and tell me what you think.

Since there are a few movies called Jack, it's this one:
Showtime presents a Daniel L. Paulson, Susan Rose, Ellen M. Krass production, a Lee Rose film ; produced by Dan Paulson ; screenplay by A.M. Homes ; directed by Lee Rose.

secret project (04.30.05) Posted by Hello

Friday, April 29, 2005

Dev & Jake (04.29.05) Posted by Hello

books and movies

I've been going to the library twice a week for awhile. Nearly a year, I think. I used to go Mondays and Thursdays, now it's Mondays and Fridays.

Today I walked up to the counter and the librarian had my pile of holds waiting for me. She saw me coming, and knew who I was! I was delighted and said, "Wow, good job." She said, "Yeah, you get to know the regulars." I could barely contain my delight. (I really tried to find a different word to use there. I know I used that same word last sentence. I tried and tried to vary my word choice, but in both instances delight is exactly what I meant. Sorry, Mrs. High School English Teacher who I learned so much from.) I smiled and said to her, "It's nice to be a regular." She smiled in agreement and we shared a moment.

It's true. Being a regular is one of the things that puts a huge smile on my face. I remember the day I approached the counter at Batdorf & Bronsen and Caitlin (I have names for most of the baristas there, which may or may not be their actual names, I'm not sure.) said, "Cup of... holiday blend, for here?" I loved that. Being known. Being consistent enough that even other people know my routines! I know some people dread that possiblity. But I think it's delightful.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

squirrel frolicking in blossoms in front yard (04.28.05) Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

cicatriz, gift certificates, application accepted

I remember in my high school third year Spanish class, we read this cheesy mystery "novel." All I remember, in addition to the cover being blue, is that there was the reoccurring appearance of el hombre con la cicatriz. That was burned into my memory, because I just loved that word. Cicatriz. In a similar vein, I also remember from my first year Spanish class, our unit on zoo animals. There was this picture of a mom and kid at the zoo, and the kid is saying, "No mama, no tengo miedo, todos los leones estan en sus jaulas." Because that's a great word too. Jaula. But, anyway, I was talking about "cicatriz." Scar. Not only do I love that word, I also love scars. I've been jealous for years of that cute one on my sister's abdomen. I often look lovingly at the one in my finger webbing from that avocado cutting gone wrong. I like small to medium sized scars, in tasteful locations. My burn scars on my arm aren't very interesting. It's incision scars I'm most interested in. And also lacking.

Well, not for long my friends. Not for long. The other day Austen pointed out that soon I'll have a nice big scar on my ankle. What a great addition to this long and grim story! I hadn't realized that. But it's true. With all the trials of ankle surgery, I will be given the reward of a hopefully beautiful scar. Perhaps it's worth it after all.

And today the date was set. June 10th. Finally, now I can start to plan around that, figure out what I need to do before then, realize what I can’t do after then.

Prospect of scar aside, I'm still nervous. About the afterwards. About the time when I can’t do much for myself. About the two months when I can’t drive. Or go for walks. Or carry my laundry downstairs. Or stand up in the shower. Or even admire my scar because it will be covered in cast.

But I’m curious what this time will bring. Like it or not, a big change in pace. I’m a busy gal. I do a lot. I go go go. This will be different. What will unfold…?

I have some gift certificates (from Christmas and birthday) that I’m planning on using up. I think I’ll make a trip to the women’s spa just before surgery. I think that would be perfect. A nice little treat, something I won’t be able to do for awhile. I was just looking at their website, wondering what I will use my birthday gift certificate from D&S for. It’s an obvious choice. A foot treatment. A half hour foot massage accessing reflex points throughout the body. My poor foot’s one last hurrah. And during recovery time I plan to do some knitting. A tiger sweater for Tighe. Felted ballerina slippers for Isabel. That will use up some gift certificates as well.

In other news (yes, really, this ankle surgery isn’t the ONLY thing I think about), school is moving right along. I have one more class, a week from today, and then the semester is over. My fifth of seven. And today I accomplished something truly great. I have been putting off forever (see post entitled “five unrelated things" from 3/17/05) completing my application for Degree Candidate Status. This status represents a virtual contract and means that the faculty consider you appropriate for eventual graduation (assuming you earn passing grades in your remaining coursework and complete the internship requirement satisfactorily). "Degree Candidate Status" is like a passport to graduation and the beginning of the internship experience. Finally today I bit the bullet and wrote the essay about what I’ve learned so far in this program and how I’ve changed and grown and how I know I’m ready for Degree Candidate Status and other cheesy things like that. I was nervous about it. I turned it in. Not three hours later I got an email saying,
“Hi Toni,
Dr. Ellis has approved and signed your application for Degree Candidate Status. Congratulations!”

This is worth stopping for a moment and acknowledging. It would be easy to lose this in every day bustle. But I think this is actually significant. So, I’m glad to have that done. And I’m proud of myself for all the work up to this point.

uh oh, it's growing (04.27.05) Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

don't wanna wash the dishes (04.26.05) Posted by Hello

Monday, April 25, 2005

and this was me  Posted by Hello

recycling halloween costume (04.25.05) Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 24, 2005


I was just hit with a moment of contentment. Those are so wonderful. I was throwing away my teabag (roastaroma) and realized that I have a lot of friends. Who I really like. I do different things with different friends. And I enjoy this variety. I like that I have friends to watch movies with, friends to drink roastaroma tea with, friends to walk with, friends to run with if I again am a runner at some point, friends to laugh so loudly with that we're known by the sound of our laughter, friends to travel with, friends to travel to, friends to have coffee with, friends to work with, friends to discuss books with, friends to knit with, friends to play Spanish Drinking Scrabble with... the list could go on.

But what I realized in this moment of contentment is that I really do have enough. This past year and a half has been unique in my life in that I have spent a lot of time alone. I have lived alone. I have not had one person (i.e. best friend or boyfriend) who I spent every possible second with and told every tiny detail to. And I've been mourning that.

But what I realized in this moment of contentment is that what I have is perhaps better. Because I have dozens of people I've spent time with. And dozens of people who have shared many important life details with me. And dozens of details that I've enjoyed alone. And that's okay, too.

What I realized in this moment of contentment is that maybe I should stop focusing on what I think I don't have and notice that I actually have so much more.

This upcoming ankle surgery has been bringing this issue to my mind a lot lately. I'm slightly terrified about being lonely and helpless after surgery. (I just took a 40 minute break in the middle of typing that sentence because a new and very dear friend just called, and among other sweet and wonderful things she told me that she and her family will absolutely bring me dinner and milkshakes and pick me up and take me to their house and surround me with love and tenderness after my surgery and for how ever long I need afterwards.) I won't be able to drive for awhile. Like, a month or two. What does that mean? Well, no work, for one. Being totally dependent, for another. Right now, after that contentment and realization and after that wonderful phone call - I'm really trusting that I'll be taken care of, I'll learn what I'm meant to learn here, and I'll keep being blessed.

Learning vicariously

Once Jess and I agreed that we can justify spending lots of time reading, or even watching movies - because what we're really doing is studying life. These days I can't seem to make much time to read, so I listen to lots of books on tape/CD. I think "reading" (can I call it reading when I'm actually just listening?) fiction is very important. Jess and I figured that we can observe some of life's mistakes being made by characters in stories, rather than having to make them all ourselves.

I just finished listening to Big Love by Sarah Dunn. Who recommended that to me? Jess? Cate? I have mixed reviews for this book. It was poorly written, poorly read, and shallow. But it made me laugh out loud. Often. Like every few minutes or so. The story of Alison, whose live in boyfriend goes out for some mustard and then calls and says he's in love with someone else and won't be coming back. The story of the following month or so in Alison's life, her heartbreak, sleeping with her boss, thinking she's pregnant, spending lots of time with really good friends. I want one or two of you to read/listen to this book, and tell me what you think.

sister (04.24.05) Posted by Hello

this morning i went for a walk (04.23.05) Posted by Hello

This is not good

I guess I'm allergic to my home.

I was feeling pretty glad, tonight, as I was driving home, to notice that my throat was feeling not so painful and my nose was feeling not so stuffy.

And then... I got home...

And all of a sudden my throat started feeling scratchy and kind of burny.

This is not good at all.

Friday, April 22, 2005


Today I got the sore throat that arrived last year on April 6th and stuck around for a good two months. I hope that doesn't happen again. Any tips? Avoid the outdoors? nah.

It's beautiful today. And warm, even. And there are lots of flies in my house. I guess I need to remember to shut the screen door. The neighbors are grilling some kabobs, it appears. And I'm heading down to Arts Walk.

Here are a couple pics from the archives.

guess what, lis? i loved this. Posted by Hello

some of my best face art  Posted by Hello

rockstar chris (notice the necklace) (04.22.05) Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 21, 2005

what do these remind you of? (04.21.05) Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

i love names


Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

happy birthday Autumn (04.20.05) Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Conflicting advice

I've been on a very interesting little medical journey over the past year. In this past year (excluding, perhaps, my first year?) I have had more medical appointments than I had in all of my life leading up to this past year. Hands down. I haven't been sick. Not once. Not once in this whole year. I really rarely get sick. Rather, I've had two injuries. On may 17th, 2004 I fell down some stairs at work. That's kind of embarrassing to admit. But I guess everyone falls down stairs now and then. So, I did. And it was, apparently, a bad fall. Because here I am, 11 months later, gearing up for some ankle surgery. Thanks to this ankle injury I met my physical therapist, Lisa. I think she's great. She thinks I'm great. We have a lot of fun together. As I was leaving today she said, "it's always so great to see you, Toni." I've also gotten to meet a wonderful podiatrist, Molina. I really enjoy knowing her. She's wonderful. I also got reacquainted with my old childhood physician who is managing the L&I part of this issue. That's been fun. I've also had a large handful of "second" opinions. All in all, while I'm grateful to have met/re-met all these great women - there are just too many cooks in the kitchen.

as if that wasn't enough - I got rear ended on November 24th, 2004. The evening before thanksgiving. I had just left work. Was headed I didn't know where. I hadn't decided yet. Happy to have that rare free afternoon. Probably would have ended up at the coffee shop. But, alas. My lovely little car ended up totaled and I ended up with some neck and back problems which linger still today. Thanks to that injury I have had another opportunity to work with Lisa, the physical therapist. I've also gotten to meet and come to really like Mary, my massage therapist. She's delightful. And I've gotten to know Ron, my chiropractor, as an adult. I spent lots of time in that office with my mom as a child. I mean, lots.

one thing that's so touching about all these women (and the occasional man), my medical professionals, is that I can tell that I'm meaningful in their lives. Molina and Lisa and Mary all tell me stories about times in their personal lives when they think of me. I love the small town community feel of this. My doctors really know me. When Molina sees the south sound running training group runners on a Saturday morning she thinks to herself - Toni is really sad that she isn't out running with them this morning. And then she tells me about it the next time she sees me. When Mary's receptionist started running Mary said to her, "you should ask Toni about getting some good running shoes." when Lisa sent me on my way today, saying she didn't have much more help to offer with my back she said, "please do send me a little email or give me a call and let me know how ankle surgery goes. If you don't mind me being so nosey. I'm just really curious."

so it has been interesting. Me who used to never go to the doctor - now I have some appointment or another at least three days a week. It's a lot. Writing this blog has been interesting because in doing this writing that I know other people will read I end up seeing myself from an external perspective from time to time. So I see what I'm writing here. I put it together with everything else I've written...

it's all about relationship, isn't it? I mean, here I am writing about spraining my ankle and it ends up being about how much I'll miss my podiatrist when my care gets transferred to an orthopedic surgeon. (part of me wants to find a way to keep seeing her!)

but none of this was what I intended to write about when I started writing. And, by the way, I apologize if this is boring and meaningless. I'm not even sure what I'm saying. But I'm saying it because I need to process this, not because I'm convinced that it's worth your reading time. What I intended to write about is Conflicting Advice.

what I mean is the advice that these professionals give me which, from time to time, conflicts with my intuition. Which then makes me question my intuition. Especially because I respect these professionals so much, and since they know me so well.

today my physical therapist said that I should be getting some exercise. Not running, of course. She knows better than I do that this ankle can't run. This ankle actually can't do much of anything. She suggested trying swimming. I tried to turn my ears off. I really didn't want to hear that recommendation. I just don't know what to do with it. This is very uncharacteristic of me to talk about this so publicly. I guess I'm ready for input. So, please. Comment. Tell me what you think.

I don't know what to do with exercise. Historically exercise is something that I've done compulsively and excessively, something that's often caused more physical strain and exhaustion than it's provided physical health, and has nearly always caused more mental anguish and misery than it's provided mental health. So, yeah, I agree with her, I should exercise. Of course, that's coming from the part of me that thinks I should run 10 miles every day. I don't know how to be reasonable about this. I don't know how to be moderate about this. I wish it was easy.

wow (04.19.05) Posted by Hello

Monday, April 18, 2005

finders keepers (04.18.05) Posted by Hello

the very best

every great, amazing, favorite moment that i can recall is about connection. sharing some wonderfully intimate experience with someone. having a unique opportunity to see someone in a new way. making a new friend. finding an old friend.

and that, my friends, is what happened today. i got an email from laura.

i can't say anymore about it, because it's much better than words.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

unexpected (04.17.05) Posted by Hello


we did it. thanks. i couldn't have done it without you.

with encouragement from everyone...
with phone book help from mom...
with phone calling help from lis...

laura has been found.
i just emailed her.
we'll see what happens.

all's well that ends well Posted by Hello

the little challenge course S created in my front yard. who knew this would occur! always good to do a little team building with good friends. Posted by Hello

i also liked this one Posted by Hello

April 16th (04.16.05) Posted by Hello

Cat Stevens

Ultimately, that's why I'm out of bed right now. I woke up around 4 AM, and stayed in bed for awhile. Because that's a reasonable thing to do at 4 AM. I figured I'd fall back asleep. But Cat Stevens was singing so loudly in my head - I knew there was no sleep in my near future.

So I might as well blog.

Yesterday was my birthday and I had a wonderfully full house of people , over a span of about twelve hours (well, two are still here), here helping me celebrate my birthday and warm this new home.

My favorite part was getting so many people from different parts of my life together in one house. I've never done that to this degree before. I was a tiny bit nervous about it before hand. But it was great. And, you know, that's what this blog is all about. I used the phrase "a little more fluid" in an email to Tyka saying something like, "I'm working on being more flexible and accepting of change lately, allowing my life to be a little more fluid." She suggested I use it as the title of my then about to be born blog. To that I would add that I'm moving towards increasing fluidity between people I know from different arenas. Because it makes me so happy.

So, my real favorite part was getting people in the same room who I know from the same place and same era and who I have stayed in contact with but who haven't seen each other in ten plus years. Like my childhood friend A who I used to play Laura and Mary with, and my sister and M who was basically a sibling. It was hard to choose a picture of the day because there are many great ones. But I think this might be my favorite.

It was also cool, although I didn't point it out to anyone (I just enjoyed it alone in my head) to have my friend A who I used to play Laura and Mary with when I was seven here at the same time as my other friend A who is seven now who I've been reading Little House in the Big Woods with these recent weeks. Circles. They keep going.

It was neat to have friends from high school and friends from college (Lewis & Clark) here together. And earlier to have friends who I'm currently in school with (Saint Martin's) here as well.

I'm getting a little worried. It's 5:22 now... and I think I may have missed the go-back-to-bed-and-get-some-more-sleep phase in this whole crazy being awake in the middle of the night thing. That's bad. Because I was up fairly late. And couldn't have gotten more than 217 minutes of sleep. And that's really not enough.

It was neat to have four (counting me) people who were present at my birth present celebrating it all these years later.

Saturday, April 16, 2005


When I was a kid and into that sort of thing, 24 was my favorite number. I liked it because it was so neat and even. Predictable. Reliable. Easy. If you're trying to divide it by something, chances are it will work. 2? Certainly. 3? Why, yes! 4? That too! As well as 6 and 8 and 12. Very nice.

There was a switch sometime when I was about 15, and prime numbers became much more appealing to me. Is that a normal developmental stage? Was it just that I'd mastered division and was no longer so daunted by numbers like 137? I'm not sure. Suddenly I was comforted by 7s in a way that I once had been by 6s.

Just before I turned 23 a friend pointed out that, being a prime age, I was likely to have a Prime Year.

So, if that was a prime year, I'm quite curious to see what this excessively divisible year holds in store.

Friday, April 15, 2005

five days left

The "OTIS my ma" challenge will stay open until Autumn's birthday, April 20th.

See April 12th's picture of the day's comments for details.

just what I've been wanting (04.15.05) Posted by Hello

no, this is not a burnt pancake. it is my yummy rice cereal from this morning. boy, did it make a lot of smoke. breakfast tip: never cook your rice cereal for so long that it becomes the shape and texture of a frisbee. Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 14, 2005

gentle reminder

check out comments on April 12th's pic-o-day.
play and win.

like Lilly boots for summer (04.14.05)  Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

thank goodness (04.13.05) Posted by Hello
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